Going to need some hard evidence here. I need to see the output of the following console command:
SQV DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest
SQV DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest
alright I've posted 3 images within a zip file, the link will be below.<br><br><a href="http://www.sendspace.com/file/fhv3ry">http://www.sendspace.com/file/fhv3ry</a><br><br>I labeled the images appropriately to the time frame and location also displaying all of the data through the console for you, hope it helps.<br><br>Keep in mind, after I went to darkwater cave without engaging with him in darkwater crossing...he is still in the cave held captive and the quest can be completed. Afterwards, you will find him in darkwater crossing but correctly offering himself as a follower.
Silly question - but are you SURE that you're not looking at two different copies of him? Can you click on him in each place with the console open and note the form ID each one shows?
I'll be honest i'm not sure what you mean, in a way he is a second copy of him because hes also in the cave where he should be, but the major concern is that the copy of him that is in darkwater crossing also initiates this cave quest when he is no where near the cave. I'm not sure if he was meant to ever be in darkwater crossing prior to being discovered in the cave, that's what i'm trying to show.<br><br>I will look at the form ID of each and write them down though, i'll return with that soon.<br><br>Same form ID for quest initiate "copy" in Darkwater Crossing and for the copy in the Darkwater pass, during and after the quest is completed...all three form ID's are "0001b08d"
Messy. Turns out that after all the bugfixing we did, there was one more left. Bethesda never gave him a package to stay stuck in the cave prior to the rescue.
Will be fixed for USKP 1.3.2.
Will be fixed for USKP 1.3.2.
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