going from the beds startng on the right entering the cistern
now we are back to the start
now we are back to the start
Not the cistern, the Ragged Flagon itself. The cistern works fine, it's in that secret area between the wardrobe door and the door to the cistern, there is a room with two beds and a table. These are never used, in fact I have never seen any Npcs come past the hidden entrance past the wardrobe.
Fixed for USKP 1.3.3.
I can hear the cacophony of the masses now... "How dare you go beyond bugfixing for this!" uh.... ok... here's the deal folks:
There are 5 people in the Flagon by default. Not a single one of them has sleeping packages. ALL of the members on the Cistern side have packages, beds, the whole works. How does this lack of parity make even the slightest amount of sense?
Dirge, Vekel, Delvin, Tonilla, and Vex will now have beds in a new room attached to the Flagon, down a new passage to the left of the door to the Ratway Vaults. This room will also improve as expected with the guildhall itself.
I realize this goes above and beyond, but there was no other way to do this. Any potential for conflicts pales compared to the ridiculousness of nobody in the Flagon ever sleeping.
Blame Bethesda
I can hear the cacophony of the masses now... "How dare you go beyond bugfixing for this!" uh.... ok... here's the deal folks:
There are 5 people in the Flagon by default. Not a single one of them has sleeping packages. ALL of the members on the Cistern side have packages, beds, the whole works. How does this lack of parity make even the slightest amount of sense?
Dirge, Vekel, Delvin, Tonilla, and Vex will now have beds in a new room attached to the Flagon, down a new passage to the left of the door to the Ratway Vaults. This room will also improve as expected with the guildhall itself.
I realize this goes above and beyond, but there was no other way to do this. Any potential for conflicts pales compared to the ridiculousness of nobody in the Flagon ever sleeping.
Blame Bethesda

Sounds great, though not meaning to stoke the fire, you could argue there are ten people in the flagon, including the four vendors and the sculptor, but the way the flagon is designed, Bethesda had no intention of making these people sleep, and though it makes good for realism, game wise when you wanna sell something you wanna do it now.
The sculptor however is the worse of them, she has no packages bar reading a book idle, she is basically put there as a proof of concept.
The sculptor however is the worse of them, she has no packages bar reading a book idle, she is basically put there as a proof of concept.
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