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Issue Data
Status: Closed
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Component: Skyrim LE: Dawnguard DLC
Category: Locations
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Windows PC
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By Nico coiN on Dec 7, 2014 4:09 am
Closed By Arthmoor on Feb 19, 2015 3:14 pm
Resolution: Fixed

Issue #18321: [Dawnguard] Soul Cairn has moons in specific ciurcumstances

This is most probably an engine issue. I report it here as reference and moreover I'd like to know if someone here can reproduce it.
I have very few mods, and none altering the Soul Cairn climate (where both moons are explicitly unticked). However, moons may appear in very specific conditions.

Go to the Soul Cairn and make a save (a hard save, not a quick save), then :
- exit the game to the main menu, load your save --> nothing special.
- exit the game to your desktop, run the game, load your save --> you should get something like this :

<img alt="" src="http://host.conseiljedi.com/~nico/Skyrim/Screenshots/SoulCairnMoons.jpg" />


6 comment(s) [Closed]
Garthand said:
Uh oh, someone soul trapped Masser and Secunda! :P

Arthmoor said:
Hmm. Climate data has the moons disabled, but the worldspace settings look suspicious to me.

Soul Cairn has Tamriel listed as a parent worldspace. Logic says this shouldn't be the case. It also doesn't have the "use climate" checkbox set so I'm not sure if the worldspace settings are correct or not.

Sovngarde is set up the same way. Has anyone ever seen the moons there? The climate data says they should be disabled there too.

Nico coiN said:
Same issue in the Boneyard.

Arthmoor said:
Setting worldspace parent to NONE has no effect on it, even when a fresh save is used to enter the Soul Cairn.

Nico coiN said:
Just reporting my investigations here. Maybe it's nonsense, but maybe it may bring some help.

The more I look at the CK and the more I try simple tricks (all unsuccessful), the less I understand how this can be possible... :(
Maybe a scripted fix would be possible ? Quests DA05 and dunBloatedMansGrottoQST have a moon modification feature :

Da05 stage 50 :

SetObjectiveCompleted(20, 1)
SetObjectiveDisplayed(50, 1)



;Bloated Man's Grotto setup. Takes care of enabling the hunters, enabling and moving Sinding, etc.

Then, dunBloatedMansGrottoQST Stage 10 :

;Set up initial state of the Grotto during DA05.
;(Alias_Hunter00_JKier as dunSetRestrainedWhenSeated).SetRestrained(True)

Also, DA05 Stage 105 :

SetObjectiveCompleted(80, 1)
; set up Hircine outside
(Alias_QuestingBeastGhost as DA05QuestingBeastGhostScript).Setup()



;Bloated Man's Grotto setup. Removes the Bloodmoon, etc.

Then, dunBloatedMansGrottoQST Stage 100 :

{Removes the bloodmoon effect and cleans up the Grotto.}

DA05BloodmoonWeatherMarker marker (ref 00105b4c) has the dunBloatedManToggleBloodmoon script applied, which has the Bloodmoon weather property type, containing BloatedMansGrottoFog weather.

This weather looks absolutely 'regular' to me, but it has some aurora effects features using a dedicated mesh (data\meshes\sky\DA05Bloodmoon.nif) displaying the regular moons textures (block 3 : textures\sky\MoonShadow.dds - block 6 : textures\sky\sun.dds - block 10 : textures\sky\Masser_full.dds). So, it may be possible to hide moons with a similar mesh that would use blank textures.

This weather also uses the ISBoatedMansGrottoFog imagespace that has the 'No Sky' setting ticked in the Depth of field section (also with specific subvalues), certainly to prevent the regular moons from displaying.

By comparison, Sovngarde imagespaces are :
ISSovngardeClear : No sky ticked with specific subvalues
ISSovngardeDark : No sky ticked with specific subvalues
ISSovngardeFog : No sky unticked with specific subvalues

WTF !!! The moons settings in climates should be effective, but they don't. It's obviously an engine bug, period. However, I just discovered that the CK is lacking crucial settings and editing features for weathers (such as the book/note option). And there's an issue with each Soul Cairn weather : TES5Edit allows some 'Moon Glare' settings in the NAM0 field that the CK just doesn't display. It turns out these values are colours values, and setting them to zeros just make the moons invisible/vanishing !
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :partyhorker: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

Fix here. First, go back in Tamriel worldspace to enable Soul Cairn weathers update. :D

Comment #5 Feb 19, 2015 11:27 am  Edited by Arthmoor on Mar 28, 2024 4:32 pm
Arthmoor said:
Fixed for UDGP 2.1.0.

Nice job Nico, that works perfectly!

Showing Comments 1 - 6 of 6