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Issue Data
Status: Closed
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Component: Skyrim LE: Vanilla
Category: Actors
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Windows PC
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By Deathbydestiny on Jan 8, 2016 9:07 am
Closed By Arthmoor on Jan 11, 2016 8:32 pm
Resolution: Fixed

Issue #19805: Investments

The USKP made the street vendors in Riften able to be invested in. Should the other street venders in the other cities have this as well? Whiterun, Markarth, Windhelm and Solitude street vendors can't be invested in still.

Also Eorland Gray-Mane and Filnjar can't be invested in either.


8 comment(s) [Closed]
BlackPete said:
The game text claims that "any" merchant should be able to be invested in so this is something that should be investigated further. It appears that there is audio for all voice types, so this should be possible to address.

We've examined this more thoroughly and discovered that the game actually says "shopkeeper" which would indicate one of two things: 1. A shopkeeper with a physical building to their name. 2. A court wizard.

This means that the four street vendors in Riften (Brand-Shei, Grelka, Madesi, and Marise) should not have been fixed to begin with and the same goes with Anoriath in Whiterun. So those should actually be undone.

The following NPCs (who currently cannot be invested in) would follow the criteria that the developers use though and should be fixed:
- Falion (Morthal)
- Filnjar (Shor's Stone)
- Madena (Dawnstar)
- Moth gro-Bagol (Markarth)
- Glover Mallory (Raven Rock)
- Elynea Mothren (Tel Mithryn) Edit: her voice type doesn't have any audio available

Comment #1 Jan 9, 2016 3:41 am  Edited by BlackPete on Mar 27, 2021 1:46 am
Deathbydestiny said:
That makes more sense :)

Would Moth gro-Bagol count towards that criteria too?

BlackPete said:
Yes, he should count towards that criteria too. Added him to the list above.

Something interesting to note:
- According to UESP (which of course is not always reliable), at one point Investing with Ghorza also would grant you an extra 500 septims with Moth gro-Bagol (who cannot be invested in the normal way).

I checked with USLEEP installed and this doesn't happen so I can only assume one of two things:
1. The information from UESP is incorrect.
2. It was corrected in the USKP at some point (possibly when we fixed the bug that was making it so you couldn't invest in Ghorza's store).

Deathbydestiny said:
They must work based on the relationship of the people. Another example is Adrianne Avenicci and Ulfberth War-Bear.

BlackPete said:
In this case, Ghorza's backup is her assistant, Tacitus. Moth should still have his own store and investment setup. Not sure what Bethesda did to screw this up in first place (assuming that UESP claim has any truth to it), but it's possible that they may have merged them all together and then maybe an old USKP fix corrected it. Either way, Moth still needs to have his investment option added, because it isn't possible the way things are set up right now.

Arthmoor said:
The UESP claim is correct. Moth's chest has the same perk investment list as Ghorza. It shouldn't since they're not operating the same shop.

BlackPete said:
Hah. So a similar problem to the one that Elindir and Anoriath have. Nice going, Todd. :troll:

Arthmoor said:
Fixed for USLEEP 3.0.1.

Pretty sure we've got all this straight now :P

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