Issue Data
Issue #34772: CompanionConversationsQuests badly broken
I've been assisting in documenting Companion conversations over at starfieldwiki. I've found some rather sticky problems.
COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_SarahMorgan01 [00155D13] and 02 [00169E69] are missing their Begin on Quest Start and Stop Quest on End flags. AFAICT, neither runs properly. The broken quest scenes are probably the reason that Barrett and Sarah don't talk, or talk only once and stop. COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_SarahMorgan03 [000DF319] has no scene and none of those flags. Sadly, it is referenced by the SMQN CompanionConversationsQuests, and once triggered may stop all other such quests from running forever? Fixing these may be [NR], unless we have a clever plan to make them retroactive. So far, I've only been testing Sarah Morgan, but I've also noticed problems with Andreja not talking to vendors either. OTOH, she was talking too much to Sarah (see 33640). |
Merely set flags on two, removed bad quest from SMQN. Probably need whatever OnPlayerLoadGame or whatever update thingy we have here to check whether those quests are currently running and stop them.
Attached Files:
sarahmorgan quest story bugs.7z
Attached Files:
sarahmorgan quest story bugs.7z
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