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Issue Data
Status: Closed
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Component: Skyrim LE: Hearthfire DLC
Category: Placed References
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Windows PC
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By Makaan on Feb 28, 2013 6:59 pm
Closed By Arthmoor on Jun 5, 2013 9:03 pm
Resolution: Fixed

Issue #12185: Hearthfire House items issue

It's easier for me to just copy paste the forum post I made about the issue then typing it out here again

[quote name='AndalayBay' timestamp='1362092992' post='22319614']

More Hearthfires issues. This time it's Windstad Manor, although these may affect all houses.
<ol class="bbcol decimal">
<li>Still have problem with overlapping wall hangings in the entryway. This time I did not decorate the small house before converting it to an entryway. I reported this issue with Lakeview Manor and provided screenshots at that time.</li>

I can actually confirm all three of these based on personal experience.

The problem with the wall hanging overlapping, at least from what I can tell, is because of two things.

1. The game doesn't remove the furnishings that are there, which are spawned by the "barrel" furnishing option, when you switch from a small house into an entryway.

2. The finishing option that creates those things, the "barrel" option, shouldn't be buildable post house transition, but is anyways, which causes it to overlap with the post transition furnishing options.

If you look on the left side of the room, after building everything in the small house, all the furnishings there get deleted when transitioning from a small house into an entryway, but the ones on the right side don't. Furthermore, the large cauldron, and barrel, that are added by the small house "barrel" option, actually sit in a spot that is taken up by a basket in the post house transition furnishing options.

I got some pictures to show what I mean

Small house, no furnishing - <a class="bbc_url" href="http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u636/Padhome/2013-02-28_00001_zps18135d9d.jpg" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">http://i1325.photobu...zps18135d9d.jpg</a>

Small house, fully furnished - <a class="bbc_url" href="http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u636/Padhome/2013-02-28_00002_zps35c50c7e.jpg" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">http://i1325.photobu...zps35c50c7e.jpg</a>

Small house, after conversion into entryway - <a class="bbc_url" href="http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u636/Padhome/2013-02-28_00003_zps08c87328.jpg" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">http://i1325.photobu...zps08c87328.jpg</a>

Entryway, fully furnished - <a class="bbc_url" href="http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u636/Padhome/2013-02-28_00004_zpsb40e9c53.jpg" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">http://i1325.photobu...zpsb40e9c53.jpg</a>

Clipping between Calduron and basket - <a class="bbc_url" href="http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u636/Padhome/2013-02-28_00005_zps0c980c3f.jpg" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">http://i1325.photobu...zps0c980c3f.jpg</a>


The "barrel" option form the small house furnishing list needs to be removed if present when transitioning from a small house and entryway, and that same barrels option should NOT be buildable in the entryway furniture list.


12 comment(s) [Closed]
Makaan said:
And yes, I realized only after the fact that I put this in the wrong section, this website's layout is terrible, and I can never find the selector for version while making the report, and this damnable website wont let me edit my bug post for some ungodly reason.

Also, this bug applies to ALL Hearthfire houses.

Arthmoor said:
Chill. All of the stuff you wanted to select is clearly visible, and the layout is NOT terrible. You should try working in Bugzilla some time. *THAT* is terrible.

It won't let you edit it because non-admin users are not permitted to edit the reports.

KenG10 said:
Following this. I can confirm that I also have this bug.

NightStar said:
UHFP#2.99 to summarize what we have come to agreement on
-The "barrel" option, from the small house furnishing list, along with the wall hanging, and kettle with venison, it spawns, needs to be removed, if already built, when transitioning from a small house into an entryway.<br>
-Said barrel option also needs to be removed from the buildable entryway furnishing list, as all it does is spawn the above items which conflict with other entryway furniture.<br>
-The "end table" option from the small house furnishing list needs to be added to the entryway furnishing list.

NightStar said:
<a href="http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/3573-relzwipz-unofficial-hearthfire-patch/page-2#entry144306">OP</a>: FWIW, that overlapping decoration does that in all the houses, not just lakeview. It's activated by the barrels, which stay when the small house is converted to an entryway. Not sure how much this counts for elegance, but I was able to "fix" it, but setting it to the same enable parent as the other original wall basket (an upper chair, which is part of the square table with chairs).

NightStar said:
Another <a href="http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1458969-relzwipz-unofficial-skyrim-patch-thread-32/page-2#entry22653910">report</a> about overlapping items confirms that the barrel option shouldn't be buildable in the entry way.

Arthmoor said:
Just to make this perfectly clear, the items that should get removed are:

1 Barrel, to the right of the doorway once it becomes the entry hall.
1 kettle next to the barrel.
1 piece of venison in the kettle.
1 head of lettuce also in the kettle.
1 hexagonal wall hanging above the shelf.
1 navmesh cutter collision box under the kettle and barrel.

Now if someone could just point me to a way to handle this. I can't make any sense out of the scripting that processes this. Plus, the barrel has no enable parent. Which means something has to get modified here and that complicates matters greatly.

Further complicating things, the kettle, venison, lettuce, navmesh cutter, and hexagonal wall hanging are all parented to a barrel in the opposite corner of the room which actually does belong there when converted to an entry way.

NightStar said:
Your item removal list seems correct to me. Unfortunately, I can't help you with the how.

How difficult would adding the "end table" furnishing option from the small house to the entryway furnishing list be? Or do you consider it to be a bug at all?

NightStar said:
Related Bug <a href="http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?app=trac&amp;module=issues&amp;section=issues&amp;do=view&amp;id=9586">#9586</a> (closed as duplicate).

Arthmoor said:
Any manipulation of these lists is going to be equally difficult to pursue. The scripting is a ginormous mess and it was pure luck I was able to find and fix another issue in one of the Falkreath house setups.

So unless someone comes along and provides a way through this, it'll remain open.

Arthmoor said:
Slept on it. Came up with an acceptable solution. The kettle, venison, cabbage, and hexagonal wall hanging will now be parented to the fire pit. The barrel and navmesh cutter will remain attached to the barrels option.

Should solve the problem neatly enough as the kettle only really makes sense with the fire pit anyway.

NightStar said:
Sounds good to me.

Fixed in UHFP 1.1.1.

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