sorry for the formatting dont know why it spread out so much
It is safe to remove the convo package from the Housecarl alias in DialougeWhiterun; that's related to an unused scene (the trigger for said scene is floating out in the void outside the playable area in Dragonsreach). No other alterations should be made, as that will also affect Olfina Gray-Mane when she is Housecarl.
No, that package needs to stay. He's not talking about messing with her Whiterun alias. It appears he's talking about messing with her base NPC record. She has no AI packages on the base record beyond her exile package.
Everything else is controlled by various aliases, so "fixing" this isn't as practical as it might seem since she's covered by some sort of alias at all times.
Everything else is controlled by various aliases, so "fixing" this isn't as practical as it might seem since she's covered by some sort of alias at all times.
The convo package happens to keep her standing slightly in front of the throne at all times. It's the top package in the Housecarl alias in DialogueWhiterun. It's conditioned on a variable that's set in an unused scene, so she never performs her actual routine.
exactly nothing quest related is affected
and this package is irileth specific
and this package is irileth specific
In regards to the package if you can do something to stop just the specific referance from using it thats perfect but beyond my abilities
it is not deleintg the base diagloguewhiterun package that everyone referances
Look at the package conditions. It has a quest variable associated with it. Find where that variable should be updated and I'm guessing you also fix her entire schedule without having to go nuts deleting and adding things all over the place. 
And actually that wasn't as hard as one might think. DialogueWhiterun has a scene: WhiterunDragonsreachDragonScene. When this scene terminates, it's supposed to update the DragonConvo variable.
The question becomes, does this scene ever play? None of that dialogue looks familiar.

And actually that wasn't as hard as one might think. DialogueWhiterun has a scene: WhiterunDragonsreachDragonScene. When this scene terminates, it's supposed to update the DragonConvo variable.
The question becomes, does this scene ever play? None of that dialogue looks familiar.
Like I said, it's an unused scene package meant to keep her in place before the scene runs. The scene is completely extraneous, since it's between Balgruuf and Irileth discussing dragons -- which is already covered by the intro scene in MQ102.
The scene has a trigger that's floating in the void to the left of the main entrance.
The scene has a trigger that's floating in the void to the left of the main entrance.
-unneeded input haha-
wow prince posted before me he's speedy oh and arathmoor edited clarifying :S
wow prince posted before me he's speedy oh and arathmoor edited clarifying :S
Oh. So that's what that stray trigger box is for. I always wondered.
Easy peasie fix then, who knew? One removed AI pack coming up.
No, I'm not going to change anything else besides that and fixing the order of one of that alias' other packages.
DialogueWhiterun never terminates, so her entire life will be governed by it until the Stormcloaks kick her out of Whiterun with the rest of the exiles.
Easy peasie fix then, who knew? One removed AI pack coming up.
No, I'm not going to change anything else besides that and fixing the order of one of that alias' other packages.
DialogueWhiterun never terminates, so her entire life will be governed by it until the Stormcloaks kick her out of Whiterun with the rest of the exiles.
ok as long as she moves XD
/gives arthamoor 1 tyrel68 happiness cookie :D
/gives arthamoor 1 tyrel68 happiness cookie :D
She does, found her upstairs eating bread outside the Jarl's quarters.
Poor girl ought to have been given a sleep pack, but there's no room in her schedule for one.
Poor girl ought to have been given a sleep pack, but there's no room in her schedule for one.
um i tried giving her the unused room down the stairs to the right below the kitchen.
Its currently used for dragonsreachservants but never seen it used. anyway realism isnt always 100% needed we can deal with that later XD
Its currently used for dragonsreachservants but never seen it used. anyway realism isnt always 100% needed we can deal with that later XD
That's not what I meant. Every time slot is filled, and it's clearly intentional that they kept her up all night, hence her 22x8 package being named to show that.
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