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Issue Data
Status: Closed
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Component: Skyrim LE: Vanilla
Category: Magic
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Windows PC
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By NightStar on May 3, 2013 4:24 pm
Last Edited By BlackPete on Sep 12, 2019 1:00 am
Closed By Arthmoor on May 22, 2013 1:39 am
Resolution: Can't Fix - Engine Issue

Issue #12791: Blizzard spell missing MagicDamageFrost keyword

While fixing the Blizzard spell so that caster's resistances doesn't affect it (bug <a href="http://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/tracdown/issue/10532-blizzard-spell-damage-affected-by-casters-magicfrost-resistance/">#10532</a>;), it's magic effect lost the keyword MagicDamageFrost in USKP 1.3.2a. This results in SkyUI using the wrong icon for the spell. I think that the Augmented destruction perks won't affect it either. (USKP#31.157, USKP#31.158)

Related Issues: 10532  


7 comment(s) [Closed]
Arthmoor said:
Not quite. bluedanieru made it clear in the documentation for his fix that removing the keyword is intentional and necessary to fix the bug. So we're not going to undo this unless he can confirm that this isn't behaving as expected.

NightStar said:
USKP#31.162 (Khrada) EDIT: Just played around in CK, and it seems the keyword is only necessary for the spell to ignore Elemental Protection perk, as the perk reduces damages of spells with MagicDamage&lt;ElementName&gt;. For regular resistances itself by changing the Resist Value dropdown menu to None will do the trick.

I don't think there are any NPCs with Element Protection perk, so I guess it is safe enough to add the keyword back. Or we can modify the perk to behave like Quick Shot perk, with conditions set in the ability that will be given to player that only activates the effect when the player is blocking.
It's up to you, of course.

EDIT2: Did another test, it seems even with USKP's fix, the spell's efficiency still gets reduced if you have enough Magic Resistance.

So unless bluedanieru knows what's up, I really don't see the point of removing the keyword now.

bluedanieru said:
Per the forum thread, I removed it from the spell effect because otherwise the bonuses from Augmented Frost will be applied twice (e.g. if you have the second level perk you'll get a bonus of 1.5 * 1.5 = 2.25).

I will look at moving the keyword from the hazard effect (where it remains atm) back to the spell effect. I think it will still only get applied once in that case.

bluedanieru said:
Moving the MagicDamageFrost keyword to the spell effect doesn't seem to get the icon to show anyway, so it might be a moot point. I have checked the damages again per below (from the forum thread):

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">
How I tested it is: find an NPC, aggro them (Blizzard won't deal any damage if the target hasn't aggro'd the caster), toggle off their AI, kill everyone else in the area, remove their magic and frost resistances if they have them (i.e. if they are a Nord or a Breton), and also remove your magic and frost resistances, and any Augmented Frost perks. Give the target 1000 health (and heal them fully between each test). Now, confirm that Blizzard deals 200 damage. Add to the player magic resistance, then frost resistance, first separately then both, and confirm none of the combinations there affect damage calculation i.e. Blizzard should still deal 200 points of damage to the target. Now do the same to the target, magic and frost resistance, first separately then both, and confirm that the damage dealt is reduced by the correct amount. Now you can check Augmented Frost perks as well if you like, and confirm they aren't being applied twice anymore. With the first perk (and no resistances) you should get 250 damage, and then 300 with the second. I didn't test Augmented Frost on the target although perhaps I should have, so if you like you can check that out as well.

I added the augmented perks to the target as well this time, and everything checks out. I've asked the SkyUI team if we need to do something in USKP to get the icon to show, or if it's something they have to take care of. If it's on their end I think this ticket should be closed, because the damages seem to calculate correctly already.

I did find during this round of testing though, that the caster will take a small amount of damage from Blizzard again, although I don't really know why or how. Maybe we should raise a ticket for that, although I don't know how to fix it. (Before, I though I had just lucked out :-(

bluedanieru said:
It's the resist value that SkyUI uses to determine the icon, not the MagicDamageFrost keyword. We can't change that back because it will break the damage calculation.

bluedanieru said:
<a href="http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1455026-relz-skyui/?p=22624741">http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1455026-relz-skyui/?p=22624741</a>

So, I don't think there is really anything to do for this on the USKP side, right? Maybe this ticket should be closed.

Arthmoor said:
Yes, that effectively puts this off limits. Closing as an engine/ui issue.

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