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Issue Data
Status: Closed
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Component: Fallout 4: Vanilla
Category: Perks & Stats
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: All
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By EyeDeck on Jun 19, 2017 6:53 pm
Last Edited By Arthmoor on Oct 7, 2017 10:21 pm
Closed By Arthmoor on Apr 17, 2024 12:27 am
Resolution: Fixed
Comment: Fixed for UFO4P 2.1.6.

Issue #22529: Piezonucleic Power Armor's listed effect is completely wrong

The Piezonucleic Power Armor from the Cambridge Polymer Labs listed effect is as such:
* Radiation exposure increases Action Point refresh speed.

If you check the actual OMOD (mod_Custom_PA_APRegenRad "Piezonucleic Lining" [OMOD:0022879C]), the only actual functional effect it adds is this enchantment:
* ench_mod_LegendaryPA_RadsCoreHealth [ENCH:0022879D]

which adds the following magic effect, at magnitude 0.5:
* LegendaryPA_RadsCoreHealthEffect "Radiation Core Health" [MGEF:0022B640]

which applies this as a constant effect:
* PABatteryDamageRate "Power Armor Battery Damage Rate" [AVIF:0015A8B2] (Described as: Multiplier on drain inflicted on the power armor fusion core)

...and also adds this perk:
* LegendaryPA_RadsCoreHealth [PERK:0022B63F]

which is supposed to add 50 to the "Mod Ammo Health Mult" entry point while the player is taking radiation damage. It doesn't seem that this condition works, however, and even if it did then all it would do is reduce fusion core drain rate while firing a Gatling Laser slightly anyway, because ammo health has no effect on how long a fusion core in power armor lasts.

Also, just to be sure there isn't something hard-coded that I missed, when tested empirically I found that radiation exposure (both while actively taking rads, and just heavily irradiated since the description is ambiguous) has no effect on AP regeneration speed compared to any other power armor.

So, what this legendary mod actually does is reduce PA core drain rate by half, and add a perk that doesn't seen to work.

Related Issues: 29132  


5 comment(s) [Closed]
EyeDeck said:
And only now do I remember that I don't have permission to edit my own tasks, when I see that I forgot to set the category, and made no fewer than three typos. Oh well.

Lone_Wolf said:
seems to be related to 29132

EyeDeck said:
Been a few years, but I did work out a good way to conditionalize effects to take place while actively taking radiation damage (since this isn't a conditionalizable effect at the engine level):
ScriptName idek:ipa:RadDamageMonitor extends ActiveMagicEffect

Actor Property 		thisActor			Auto Hidden
ActorValue Property AVtoSet				Auto Const

bool active

Event OnInit()
	thisActor = GetTargetActor()

Event OnRadiationDamage(ObjectReference akTarget, bool abIngested)
	StartTimer(1.0, 0)
	StartTimer(1.25, 1)
	if (active == false)

Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)
	if (aiTimerID == 1)
		; timeout, probably not taking rad damage anymore

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Function EnableAV()
	active = true
	thisActor.SetValue(AVtoSet, 1)
	; Util.Trace(self + " Toggled Rad Damage AV " + AVtoSet + " ON." )

Function DisableAV()
	active = false
	thisActor.SetValue(AVtoSet, 0)
	; Util.Trace(self + " Toggled Rad Damage AV " + AVtoSet + " OFF." )

Importantly it's event-driven, and keeps external calls to the actor the effect is on to an absolute minimum. Before I'd made that, the best way I found anyone else doing it (or discussing it, I don't remember) was by polling accumulated rad damage, which is a poor implementation.
Anyway you'd put that on a scripted magic effect, which toggles an AV based on whether radiation damage has been taken in the last second, and that AV can be conditionalized in another magic effect to turn on an AP speed buff or whatever.
I think I was using it for an effect that increased movement speed and AP regen while taking radiation in an unfinished/unreleased mod, and it the effect toggle was accurate and felt responsive in my testing.

If anyone wants to take a crack at it, that script with some very minor modification (e.g. to script name) and a few minutes worth of CK work could be used to fix the effect to match the in-game description. It took me an embarrassingly long time to come to a solution for this that didn't totally suck, so that's the hard part done, really.

Lone_Wolf said:
thanks, I was wondering this is not your mod, correct?


EyeDeck said:
Not mine, no.
A condition is used, which checks if a magic effect applied to the character has the keyword DamageTypeRadiation.

If that works it's a (much) better solution than what I described, but I swear I tried it and it only seemed to work for damage from food, weapons, etc, and not radiation hazards. Was about 3 years ago though, so memory isn't clear anymore. Quite likely it does work and I'd made an oversight (not that it really mattered since my implementation was only ever used in a half-finished, unreleased mod).

Comment #5 Feb 14, 2023 9:58 pm  Edited by EyeDeck on Feb 14, 2023 10:02 pm
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