Issue Data
Issue #26805: Problems equipping Pip-Boys on settlers in Vault 88
There seems to be something really badly screwed up with Pip-Boys in the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC. They're set as a "MISC" item in the inventory. The majority of the time when you give one to a settler they don't equip it. When they do equip it, it's no longer shown in their inventory.
I could be totally wrong, but it seems like maybe it was supposed to be an apparel item. But then I suppose it would take some sort of slot to equip and that would conflict with other items. Either way, the only Pip-Boys that seem to equip properly are the ones you get from the Vault-Tec crates, not the ones from the chests. Not sure if the error in Issue #26196 has anything to do with this or not, but it seemingly shows up in the log when you equip (or try to equip) Pip-Boys on settlers. |