Issue Data
Issue #27583: Hearthfire planter fix followup (USSEP 4.20 Beta)
Just checked the beta to make sure this was merged correctly, this record:
BYOHHouseIngrdMushroom04 "Imp Stool" [TREE:030110C5] is missing the PFIG - Ingredient subrecord edit; it still points to the old BYOHHouseIngredientMushroom04 "Imp Stool (4)" [MISC:03000B41] instead of the new USSEPLItemBYOHHouseIngredientMushroom04 leveled list. Presumably this was because BYOHHouseIngrdMushroom04 already had an overwrite to fix the missing harvest sound, so it just got overlooked (believe me, I know how easy it is to do). Everything else looks good. |
Related Issues: 27196
Ah, thanks. That's probably because I ran a copy as override in xEdit and it skipped that one because it was already in the patch.
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