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Issue Data
Status: Closed
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Component: Skyrim SE: Vanilla
Category: Items
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: All
Severity: Medium
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By Umgak on May 18, 2020 7:58 pm
Closed By Arthmoor on Nov 14, 2020 6:05 pm
Resolution: Fixed
Comment: Fixed for USSEP 4.2.4.

Issue #29071: Enchanted Steel Shield sublists only drop Resist Magic shields until specific levels

The 3 SublistEnchArmorSteelShield leveled lists (000B5104 <SublistEnchArmorSteelShield01>, 000B5105 <SublistEnchArmorSteelShield02>, and 000B5106 <SublistEnchArmorSteelShield03>;) each have a level requirement for their enchanted shields, except for on the Resist Magic variant. This is inconsistent with other shield sublists, and leads to an overabundance of Resist Magic shields early on. It is, of course, incredibly easy to fix.


1 comment(s) [Closed]
Arthmoor said:
It's actually quite possible with the way these sublists are called on by other leveled lists elsewhere that you could end up with no reward from them at all. Not just that there might be a glut of steel Resist Magic shields.

These sublists are all supposed to be set to level 1 because the master lists which are using them all have level breakdowns in place for the various material types. Whoever did these 3 specific lists for steel shields wasn't paying attention to that.

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