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Issue Data
Status: New
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Component: Fallout 4: Vanilla
Category: Actors
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: All
Severity: Medium
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By VoodooChild on Jul 27, 2021 8:14 am

Issue #31520: Glory - AI - 508EE

Every time I do Memory Interrupted [RRM02], I can't help but think they gave Glory [RefID 508EE, FormID 45ACF] the wrong AI script/attribute set. She acts more like a settler that you rescued from being kidnapped, rather than other NPCs that you have temporarily like Deacon for Tradecraft and Nick for Unlikely Valentine. She does not sneak. She never holds her weapon and barely does anything unless an enemy is literally on top of her, beating her. Is there something missing from her? I know her character has all kinds of script issues where they think she's actually dead later in the game, and they talk about her death when she's standing right next to them in RR HQ in the vanilla game. She's more of an annoyance in that quest rather than a temporary companion.


2 comment(s)
MauveCloud said:
One could argue that Glory's behavior is in-character, given her stated reluctance to fight Gen-1 synths (most of the synths here are technically generation 2, but she might feel similarly about them), but I have to agree about her being an annoyance in the quest.

It took me some time to track down why she behaves that way, but it seems to be a combination of being level 1 and having "average" confidence - changing that to "foolhardy" makes her take a more active role in combat - she attacked enemies that detected me, not just ones that hit her. I haven't figured out why she holsters her weapon at other times and doesn't sneak, though perhaps the latter is related to the minigun not having a sneaking animation (I think a character can technically be sneaking while wielding one, it just doesn't look like it)

VoodooChild said:
Yeah, she's strange. I originally thought it was because of the minigun, as well, then I equipped her with a normal combat rifle just to check to see if she had the ability to sneak and same behavior. I know equipping her is outside of the game mechanics, but I just wanted to check. She still acted like a kidnapped settler that you just rescued.

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