Issue Data
Issue #32326: Dr. Amari downstairs during Memory Interrupted
During Memory Interrupted, when first visiting Dr. Amari to learn more about the situation, the scene with her can either play out on the ground floor of the Memory Den or downstairs.
Ground floor scene: downstairs scene: During the end of the scene Dr. Amari points to H2-22's holotape on the table. The holotape can be found on the table on the ground floor, where the scene plays out sometimes. Also, the way Dr. Amari talks about H2-22 might be considered rude, with him right next to her (when the scene plays out in the cellar). I think the scene should be given preference to play with Dr. Amari on the ground floor. I am not sure if this is already the case and she only appears downstairs when forced to by another quest (in my case e.g. The glowing see was running). Either way, maybe someone can take a look at how this quest is structured and if this is something that could be fixed |