Issue Data
Issue #32418: Strange behaviour of guards if they happen to be in your cell when you are sent there
If you get caught by a guard inside the prison cell you are supposed to be sent to, and select "Go to jail", the guard will then go out the cell, opening the door for you. Going out of the cell won't be detected as escape (however the escape crime gold will be added as you go to the exit), and the guard will say "No talking. And, by the way, we execute escaping prisoners. Just a friendly reminder." if spoken to, until he leaves the prison. The guard also won't react to any damage you deal to him, including murder (and no crime gold will be added), however he will become hostile if you try to pickpocket him and fail.
Related Issues: 33726
This issue has had a reopen request processed which was denied for the following reason:
As before, we can't do anything about this behavior.
Not much we can do about it if the game pulls a dumb and drops the guard inside the cell with you.
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