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Issue Data
Status: New
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Component: Fallout 4: Vanilla
Category: Settlements & Workshops
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Windows PC
Severity: Medium
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By spacefiddle on Jul 2, 2023 12:32 pm

Issue #33043: Junk items randomly disappear from Workshop storage

After testing and talking with a number of other avid Settlement builders, it seems there is a vanilla bug where the Workshop storage can develop a hole in its pockets, so to speak. Junk items - but NOT components - seem to randomly go missing on workshop update.

This happens without any mods - a number of us who thought Sim Settlement resources or similar were responsible have tested on vanilla setups, and it still happens - to random Junk items. Like, all the Bloodbug noses will vanish, or all the Hides you've stashed will just be gone. Noticed this when using a mod to show component totals, and randomly I'd have zero of something after sleeping when I know i just put a bunch of Junk X in there.

Others have reported that as a workaround, they dismantle everything before storing - and they don't seem to lose broken-down CMPO forms. So it's just the MISC junk items that get eaten by the black hole.

Once you start paying attention to your daily totals it seems to actually happen quite a bit. I'd gather most folks just assume they've used it, or, at this point, are using cheat mods or codes or whatnot and just getting more mats than they need anyway. But there's definitely something strange going on.

You guys have gone over the workshop system with a fine-toothed microscope at this point... soooo... i don't know if this issue is findable or fixable, if it hasn't been found by now. But I thought i'd report it for completeness and hey, worth a shot. Good luck. Let me know if there's any other data I can provide.


2 comment(s)
VoodooChild said:
Have you checked to see if when something like a a hide goes missing that leather component count hasn't changed? There's a natural breakdown of junk items over a period of time from what I remember. I only store raw components at this point, so I haven't watched for something like that in some time.

spacefiddle said:
Yes, it was actually via a component-tracking mod that I noticed this first. I'd dump in a bunch of hides, and the next day, i'd have zero leather. Or a bunch of acid-containing junk, like Abraxo, and the next day, i'd have zero acid. That's how i first noticed it. Once i was paying attention, i saw that if say some Deathclaw Hands disasppeared i'd be missing both bone and leather, but it was from losing component totals that i first saw the issue.

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