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Issue Data
Status: New
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Component: Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC
Category: Quests & Dialogue
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Playstation 4/5
Severity: High
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By Iamstarlord04 on May 2, 2024 9:57 am

Issue #33990: Unable to initiate dialog with DiMA, resulting in "Where you belong" to not progress.

On a modded run through Fallout 4 base + DLCs on the Playstation 5 version, I encountered a bug/error after reaching Acadia and starting "where you belong". I'm told to speak to DiMA in order to progress the quest, but in doing so he will not open dialog but instead repeat the "Are you ready to talk about why you are here? Synth-kind is willing to welcome you, as long as you welcome us." sentence repeatedly when interacted with and I believe this has the potential to soft-lock the main quest rendering it unplayable, so far I have tried reloading saves, uninstalling and reinstalling mods, and I have checked through my mod list in order to find a mod that could be interfering with the quest. but nothing seems to work, I do not know if this issue happens on other platforms but I would assume this could happen on other versions of the game. (I did not know what to put for severity but seeing it could soft-lock the main quest I decided to put it as high)