Issue Data
Issue #34008: Tesla Cannon Creation causes Virgil to aggro
Virgil is set to aggro-suicide as part of the main quest if the player bumps into him. This is expected behavior. The problem is the Tesla Cannon adds a cloak perk to the player that in rare cases will cause him to aggro before the main quest objective is complete. It is not the same thing as the brawl bug -- it's set up differently -- but the behavior is mimicked.
My solution to the problem was to throw Virgil into an alias and make him friendly until the player completes the main quest and also to ensure that the Best of Threes shuts down and removes the perk from the player. Plugin and scripts are attached for y'all to look at. Add it (or create your own solution) as necessary. It's currently live on Source scripts here: Attached Files: ccBGSFO4046-tescan-unofficial-patch.esl |
BA2 did not upload. If you need the compiled script, you can download them here:
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