Issue Data
Issue #34066: ccBGSSSE001_Radiant_2: Quest marker points to alchemist prematurely
When you obtain the Further Study radiant quest [ccBGSSSE001_Radiant_2] to catch a fish for an alchemist and toggle it as your active quest, the map marker will point to the alchemist who put out the bounty. This would be normal except for the fact that the marker points to them prior to actually obtaining the fish. Obviously certain types of fish can be caught in multiple locations, so the quest logically shouldn't be using a marker at all initially.
See this screenshot. Note: I realize how the game displays map markers is often controlled at the engine/UI level, but maybe it's possible in this particular case to fix the problem by editing the quest script. |
Even if this could be fixed by some odd chance, it may just be poor quest design and not worth the trouble. It seems to be a problem with most (or maybe all) of the fishing bounty quests. Heart of Gold [ccBGSSSE001_Misc_WhiterunPartOne] has the same issue: The marker points to Mila even when you don't have a goldfish in your inventory yet.
ccBGSSSE001_Radiant_2 first 4 objectives had the Alchemist listed as a target when only Objective 200 should have.
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