Issue Data
Issue #34126: POITundra22: Falmer attack scene - respawn/reset settings
It's not entirely clear whether the developers were intending for the references used in the Falmer attack scene in POITundra22 to reset/respawn. For some reason, the female Redguard victim (000DD0FA) and the dead horse (000FCAFF) have their encounter zone setting set to 'NoResetZone'. However, the male Redguard victim (000DD0FB) and the other placed objects can respawn.
Assuming any changes should be made at all, removing the encounter zone settings on the horse and female victim would definitely be the easiest. However, if there's evidence that this entire scene was never meant to reset maybe the male victim and the other relevant references should be set to not respawn. A complete list of references related to this scene that can respawn are listed below (in the spoiler). As mentioned above, only 000DD0FA and 000FCAFF are unable to reset as of right now. The journal (000DD126) also cannot respawn, but since it's unique it obviously should never be able to do so under any circumstances. Spoiler:NPC : 000DD0FB (would require a NoResetZone setting to remove respawn ability) Container: 000DD122 (would require a NoResetZone setting to remove respawn ability) Placed objects: 000DD0FC, 000DD0FD, 000DD0FE, 000DD0FF, 000DD100, 000DD101, 000DD102, 000DD103, 000DD104, 000DD105, 000DD106, 000DD107, 000DD108, 000DD123, 000DD124, 000DD128 (would require respawn flags to be removed to prevent them from being able to reset) |
Related Issues: 34125
The respawn status of the objects at this scene are not relevant. When the state of the enable parent marker is toggled, all items will either be enabled and available, or disabled and unavailable. They will not execute respawns under these conditions.
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