The Default2StateActivator script controlling the fence gates of dawnguard castle never works as intended. The gates are supposed to close by the "SetOpen()" function call in the Fragment_12() of DLC1_SF_DLC1HunterBaseIntroEn_01008A8C, which starts by activating the dawnguard castle door when the quest stage of "A New Order" is 70. The problem is that when activating the door and then running "SetOpen()" function, the fence gates not even load, as a result, the "playAnimation()" function simply does nothing because you can't play animations for unload objects. Now knowing the culprit, my fix is simple: moving "!Is3DLoaded()" check to the outside while loop. See the source code attached for more details.
You might ask: why is there no issue in vanilla? Well, in vanilla Default2StateActivator can close the gates because it runs "SetDefaultState()" function everytime "OnLoad()" event fires. Since USSEP added a check to make the function only run on first load, the gate won't default to its close state during the scene. It's basically "double negative forms a positive" scenario.