Abernathy Farm has two notable navmesh issues that work to prevent the default settlers there from sleeping:
- Lucy's bed is fully isolated by a precut in the navmesh that seems to correspond to an item not present at the precut's location. This means she can sleep in her bed when AI packages teleport her into it, but cannot move to or from the bed.
- The much of the farm interior to the right of the table (when facing from the front door) has navmeshing that is sunken into the floor. This seems to break pathfinding through the house, and results in Lucy and Blake frequently getting stuck and unable to move.
On the subject of sleep and the Abernathy family, there are some other notable issues:
- Blake and Connie's beds both are faced in such a way that entering and exiting them requires clipping through a wall. This can prevent their use.
- The unofficial patch removes all ownership from Blake and Connie's beds, leaving them unowned and accessible to the player from game start. The beds should use FarmFaction05, which allows the player to use the beds once they own the workshop while also satisfying the requirements to prevent ownership from breaking bed assignments.