Issue Data
Issue #34308: It's possible to get locked inside Hosue Grey-Mane during Missing in Action
Not too long ago, I did the Missing in Action quest for the first time since the fix to keep you from getting locked out of the House Grey-Mane during the quest was implemented. It worked perfectly at first, but when I went to leave, I found that the inside half of the doors were still locked. Oddly, when I reloaded a save after picking the door open, only to get a break-in bounty (don't even get me started on how nonsensical that is), and did the quest stuff again, the doors were unlocked this time, though it's also worth noting that Eorlund Grey-Mane came home while I was talking to Avulstein this time, which could've unlocked them for all I know (I don't know who's schedule House Grey-Mane's doors are tied to).