Most of the items/objects in (and around) the fishing shack at Crabber's Shanty have ownership set to FishermanFaction. However, there are some that were probably missed by mistake. If you look around, even many of the low value items (baskets, bowls, forks, etc.) have an ownership setting. Below is a list of the references that I think should have ownership added for consistency purposes.
000DCE58, 000DCE59, 000DCE5B: Tankards.
000DCE5C, 000DCE5D, 000DCE5E: Ale.
000DCE68: Bowl.
The references below added by the Fishing DLC also don't have ownership set. I'm not so sure about the book, but the boots and fishing pole probably should be marked as owned.
0513BAA0: Book.
0513BAA6: Fishing boots.
0513BAA7: Fishing rod.