Issue Data
Issue #34556: Candlehearth hall and Thief guild job issues
There is a potential conflict in the handling of Location ref type in candlehearth hall that might eventually cause issues with thief guild jobs.
candlehearth hall has 4 bosses reftype despite the fact that only Elda (the only real boss) or eventually Nils (If Elda dies he takes over) Susanna the wicked is labeled as boss even tho she will eventually die and is labeled as relationed employee of elda, Also, Agenor once honored is labeled as boss of the Inn, a beggar, boss of the inn. This is weird. Anyway the conflict with thief guild jobs will manifest, if the quest "Blood on the ice" will start while on a "Number Job" for Delvin with target candlehearth hall, Susanna results killed, and the Number Job will fail because the number job quest detects if a BOSS reference of the location target is alive at the end of the quest, and this can include Susanna. I'm posting this because this actually happened to me. I think Susanna and Agenor should not be labeled as RefType Boss of the location to avoid issues and for consistency. |