I believe Sub7 VV's cell door 0021A6E8 with activator 002CCF37 should unlock if you turn him into authorities after UC Vanguard questline completes. My argument for this is there are a few slates and one is definitely meant to be read post quest. See attached pic of slate UC_VV_TheFutureofTheUC (Form 0003B6BE, Ref 0003B6C0). There is a toggle already in place for this as the guard at the main door states VV is no longer there and allows for your companion to enter the area without waiting. The other slate is a Target slate UC_VV_TargetSlate_KasmahIsmail (Form 0003B6B4, Ref 0003B6BD). If you felt inclined, adding the quest for that Target after reading would also be interesting. Both slates are not placed reference anywhere in the game and the Target one is probably just given via script from VV. Obviously up to you, but with that one slate there with a fair amount of lore it only seems logical that player should be able to read it. I do not know PP scripting yet, so I simply set the door with parent VV reference in my game. I tried placing a custom key opposite of parent VV reference for the activator with adverse effects, so that didn't work for me.
I don't know if this should be under PP Scripts so move it where you want.

Attached Files:
VV Slate.jpg