TGRewardPoisonAllBest is the leveled list that Thieves Guild Fences use when they're supposed to sell a Poison.
Aside from the empty list (Drain Skill Poisons, Best), they can end up with an "LItemPoisonDamageHMSBest" (a Damage Poison that's supposed to be the highest level), or an "LItemPoisonMagicEffectsBest" (some other Poison that's supposed to be the highest level).
The problem is that both of these lists call on sublists that have the "Calculate from all levels <= PC's level" tag enabled, so they're not actually guaranteed to return the best Poison in their category for the level required.
It's easier to list the types of Poisons this leveled list returns that
are guaranteed to be the best, but the following leveled lists are called instead of any "All Levels"-less ( or "Best" ) list:
All of the possible LItemPoisonDamageHMSBest results:
- LItemPoisonDamageHealth
- LItemPoisonDamageStamina
- LItemPoisonDamageMagicka
Most of the possible LItemPoisonMagicEffectsBest results:
- Every sublist that LItemPoisonWeaknessAllBest calls to:
--- LItemPoisonWeaknessFire
--- LItemPoisonWeaknessFrost
--- LItemPoisonWeaknessMagic
--- LItemPoisonWeaknessShock
- LItemPoisonParalyze
This would be resolved by reassigning lists; and, if the respective lists don't exist, by creating them.