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Issue Data
Status: New
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Starfield Patch
Component: Starfield: Vanilla
Category: Quests & Dialogue
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: All
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By DayDreamer on Jan 11, 2025 2:45 pm

Issue #34753: Sarah Morgan's scene with Amoli Bava

Runs, but without speaking. Instead, businesspartner Gerhard Pohl speaks, and only his voice is heard and shown in subtitles.

Indeed, he is rather a blabbermouth, scene after scene without much of a pause. I've walked into the trigger several times from two directions, and it is always overridden by Gerhard during the time that it takes for Sarah to walk across the room and around the desk toward Amoli.

Also, Sarah always enters from the (far end of the room) Terrabrew entrance, even when I've entered the spaceport entrance. So some annoying navmesh issues, too.

COM_Convo_SarahMorgan_Trigger_NA06_Ref [00292AC4] Settlement_Convo_SendStoryEventTrigger [00297E34] is only around the desk area (in fact goes outside the room on 2 sides) and should be triggered by player?

COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis06 [0029B968] is the user.

Related Issues: 34749  34750  34751  34754  34772  


1 comment(s)
DayDreamer said:
Fixed by 34800 using a smaller trigger box and removing the interruptible flag. Also changed the travel package, allowing Sarah to talk without walking all the way across the room and around the desk.

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