Runs too soon. COM_Convo_SarahMorgan_Trigger_NA07_Ref [00290800] Settlement_Convo_SendStoryEventTrigger [00297E34] is in the exterior cell NAResidentialDistrict02 NewAtlantis worldspace (the entrance to the waiting room), instead of the interior for Reliant Medical.
The easiest fix would be to move and resize the trigger at the doorway to the interior, so that the player won't activate it until just before entering. The current location causes Sarah to walk into the interior (and start her lines) before the player arrives, unless the player jogs ahead. Usually, the player will pause and listen to the scene in the waiting room.
AFAICT, the only Morgan NA scenes working properly are Marcano (NA04) and Yumi (NA05). Their setup could be used as a model.