The issue with Ghostblade disappearing and not appearing on weapon racks was supposedly fixed a long time ago. There may just be something wrong in my game, but it disappears whenever I try to place it on a weapon plaque or rack. Additionally, it completely disappears if I drop it out of my inventory and onto the ground. Something to note is that I had it in storage for a long time, but I don't see why that would prevent it from working.
This error appears in my papyrus log whenever I attempt to place Ghostblade on a weapon rack. Though, it doesn't seem to be directly related to the problem.
[01/12/2025 - 05:04:01PM] error: (00094A2C): has no 3d, and so cannot have its motion type changed.
[ (00094A2C)].defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.SetMotionType() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00094A2C)].defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.ReleaseToHavok() - "defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.psc" Line 66
[ (00094A2C)].defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.OnContainerChanged() - "defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.psc" Line 53
[01/12/2025 - 05:04:01PM] error: Object has no 3D
[ (00094A2C)].defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.ApplyHavokImpulse() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00094A2C)].defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.ReleaseToHavok() - "defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.psc" Line 67
[ (00094A2C)].defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.OnContainerChanged() - "defaultDisableHavokOnLoad.psc" Line 53