The Modern Brawl Bug Fix updates the following 9 scripts. In the vanilla game, brawls (and certain other controlled combat scenarios) are cancelled when either participant is struck by a magic effect. This mod updates these events to trigger only when a participant is struck by a weapon (except fists), hostile spell, shout or scroll or when the player casts a spell, uses an ingredient or uses a potion during the brawl.
MQSkyHavenSparring: BladesSparringScript
CompanionsSingleCombatQuest: CompanionsSingleCombatantScript
MS11: MS11CalixtoScript
C00: C00VilkasScript
C00VilkasTrainingQuest: C00TrainerScript
DGIntimidateQuest: DGIntimidateAliasScript
DGIntimidateQuest: DGIntimidatePlayerScript
C00JorrvaskrFight: C00JorrvaskrFightAthisScript
C00JorrvaskrFight: C00JorrvaskrFightNjadaScript
The fix is super simple - it adds the following check to the OnHit before canceling the duel:
if (akSource as weapon) as Bool || (akSource as spell) as Bool && (akSource as spell).IsHostile() || (akSource as scroll) as Bool
Enai gave us the go-ahead to include this.

Attached Files:
Modern Brawl Fixes.7z