so as the summary says in my current survival run it's happened 3 times where i would either go to add a fusion core to my power armor (or equip it) and my character will walk it for the rest of time without the actual animations starting. as i am in survival i cannot just TCL to bypass it. I am running the in-game mod browser's latest version of UOF4P, with all DLCs, no mods outside of the patch and graphics mods, and only the anti-material rifle and enclave creation club projects. not sure if this information would help or not but the issue also appears in FO76. It's possible that either the 'next gen update' or survival mode is to blame as i did not encounter this issue in any of my previous runs, and both some of the 'next gen' code and survival code are present in FO76 where the issue appears as well. Thank you for your time apologies if this isn't enough info.