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Issue Data
Status: New
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Component: Fallout 4: Vanilla
Category: Actors
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Windows PC
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By Wahlram on Jan 29, 2025 6:23 pm

Issue #34849: Bugged Gunner inside HalluciGen won't initiate dialogue

Now, I do play modded, but I googled and saw other people having the same issue. The interactable gunner behind the locked door inside HalluciGen is bugged, the one you can speak with through the glass. She very rarely is interactable in my saves. She either spawns too far away from the window to be able to dialogue with, or she spawns somewhere completely else in the building and dies in a firefight with other random gunners, rendering her completely uninteractable. Tried console, reloading and most everything else but she doesn't want to speak to me. Is this an issue in Vanilla? If so, I submit this, but it could be because of my modded game. Either way, your UFO4P is awesome, thank you very much for this mod!