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Issue Data
Status: New
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Starfield Patch
Component: Starfield: Vanilla
Category: Quests & Dialogue
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: All
Severity: Medium
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By DayDreamer on Feb 8, 2025 4:09 pm

Issue #34883: Cora Coe dialogue improper setup

When Bethesda did all the Cora Coe dialogue with Sam Coe, they made several mistakes that folks have been complaining about for a long time (google search).

Under Script Event SQ_PlayerShipDialogue_CaraCoeNode, they had "Hours until reset" 1.0. Then they blocked it with condition TrueGlobal == 0.

Having moved them to Actor Dialogue Event COM_CoraConverationsQuestNode, they have "Hours until reset" 0.0. That's why she talks over and over.

Also, some of these quests should only take place on the ship, while others should only take place in the Lodge. Moving 10 and 15 to LodgeInteriorConversations, and adding others that make sense there. Note "Hours until reset" 1.0 there.

Changing COM_CoraShipQuestNode to be only on ship (removing the Lodge test), and player not already talking, and setting hours to 1.0 as originally planned. Removing 10 and 15. Adding back 06, that was over at *_PlayerShipDialogue_*.

The downside is that folks might hear some Cora scenes at both the Lodge and ship. Since it will be much less frequent (mixed with all other companions at Lodge randomly), unlikely to be a problem.


1 comment(s)
DayDreamer said:
So far, 1.0 hours works well on the ship. Basically, they happen once soon after you board, then not again until next time you board. Like Companions telling you they have something for you, infrequent enough not to be annoying.

The Lodge is less perfect. I've heard one Cora so far, but only barely as they were too far away. I'd thought there was a distance check, but maybe it's too far? The 1.0 hour timeout is too long for testing, maybe a 0.25 quarter hour would be better in Lodge? Needs more testing.

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