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Issue Data
Status: Fix Pending
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Component: Vanilla Game
Category: Meshes
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: All
Severity: Medium
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By SigurdStormhand on Mar 23, 2025 7:05 pm
Last Edited By SigurdStormhand on Mar 24, 2025 11:18 am

Issue #35104: Mesh fixes for Hoe01.nif

Submitted by ja231c:

"I removed the useless Hoe:1, fixed Hoe:9 (flipped the blade faces, removed the internal geometry, replaced 2 pokes with faster non-poked alternatives (on the top part), weighted the normals to make it actually look flat instead of weirdly weird), replaced collision layer with OL_WEAPON (vanilla is undefined, previous UOP was OL_CLUTTER, but this thing has a Prn NiStringExtraData set to Weapon, so it's a weapon), removed a bunch of useless vertices, triangulated, the work was done on the previous UOP mesh as it didn't appear broken in any way (edited)."

Notes from Sigurd:

Fix file was submitted and is attached to the report.

The removed Hoe:1 also had a material with no name, which seems to crash the game in some instances.

Attached Files:
