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Issue Data
Status: Closed
Issue Type: Bug Report
Project: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Component: Skyrim LE: Vanilla
Category: Items
Assigned To: Nobody
Platform: Windows PC
Severity: Low
Votes: 0
Watching: N/A
Opened By Arthmoor on Jun 30, 2012 2:07 am
Closed By Arthmoor on Aug 26, 2012 4:44 am
Resolution: Fixed

Issue #82: Ancient Shrouded Cowl invisible, removes hair when worn by Argonians or Khajiit

When wearing the Ancient Shrouded Cowl, the cowl doesn't show up and your hair is invisible.


This only affects Argonians and Khajiit.

Also while wearing it, because the head slot isn't properly occupied, you can wear something else too and get both benefits.


From Anonymous: "The shrouded cowl is always maskless for male imperials and nords. Also the shrouded armor is missing the leather strap across its chest viewable on the dunmer in load screens


I have identified the cause of this bug. From poking around in the Creation Kit, it seems that DBArmorHelmet (the normal Shrouded Cowl) has the models DBArmorHemletKhaAA, DBArmorHemletArgAA, and DBArmorHemletAA assigned to it; whereas DBArmorHelmetSP (the Ancient Shrouded Cowl) only has DBArmorHemletAA. Since DBArmorHemletAA lacks any data for ArgonianRace and KhajiitRace (or their vampiric equivalents), the Hair and Circlet slots are treated as empty, hence the bug encountered. Adding DBArmorHemletKhaAA and DBArmorHemletArgAA into the model list for DBArmorHelmetSP allows the Cowl to appear properly on Khajiit and Argonian heads, resolving the bug.


1 comment(s) [Closed]
Arthmoor said:
Will be fixed for USKP 1.2.

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